The Spirit of Things with Rachael Kohn (Dec 08)
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:33
To Believe Or Not To Believe She's been voted among the top 100 living geniuses of the world for her work on depression, but Australian psychologist Dorothy Rowe has also had an abiding interest in religion. Not a believer herself, she subjects religion to a scathing critique in her book What Should I Believe, but also admits we can't live without belief. Rachael Kohn: It's the Christmas season: The Salvos are stationed at their collection boxes and the shops are decked out with tinsel. There are even nativity crèches in some stores that dare to be different. But what do people believe, and why? Hello, I'm Rachael Kohn and on The Spirit of Things on ABC Radio National, we plumb…
'Life Matters' talkback with Geraldine Doogue
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:32
Program: Life Matterswith Geraldine Doogue14 February 2001 Enemies: Why They're the Next Best Thing to Friends Summary:Writer and psychologist Dorothy Rowe explains why the relationships we have with our enemies can be as rewarding as the ones we have with our friends. Publications:Friends and Enemies: The Need to Love and Hate Author: Dorothy Rowe Price: $53.50 Publisher: Harper Collins Australian Broadcasting Commission Click here to visit the ABC Radio National web sitethen use the on-site search device to find references to Dorothy Rowe
'Encounter Moments' discussion
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:31
Program: EncounterSunday 27 April 2003 Moments Summary: Encounter this week is a series of luminous moments from a symposium in Brisbane called "Spirituality and Psycho-Therapy." Details or Transcript:Through the lectures and discussions a group of men and women wrestle with the fleeting and the absolute of religion, spirituality, psycho-therapy and pastoral care. In the worlds of Christianity, Taoism, atheism and the various therapies for mental health moments of reality appear for each participant. MUSIC - Ross Edwards Click this link to visit the ABC Radio National web site for a complete transcript of the discussion - Australian Broadcasting Commission Click here to visit the ABC Radio National web sitethen use the on-site search device to find references to Dorothy Rowe
'Breakfast' about 'Depression'
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:31
Program: BreakfastWednesday 28 January 2004 DepressionWinston Churchill called his frequent bouts of depression his 'Black Dog'. He wasn't alone, of course. We now know that depression affects millions of people. In fact, the World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 it will be the second-leading cause of disability in the world after heart disease. Dr Dorothy Rowe, who's just been named as one of the fifty wisest people in the United Kingdom, sees depression a bit differently. A psychologist and author of Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison. She believes that antidepressant drugs have not lived up to their promise and that a cure for depression lies in learning to live wisely. We speak to Dr Rowe who is…
'Life Matters' interview with Julie McCrossin
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:30
Program: Life Matterswith Julie McCrossin2 Feb 2004 Feature Interview with Dorothy Rowe: Dorothy Rowe's Self Dorothy Rowe is a psychologist, social analyst, writer and commentator, who has appeared on Life Matters a number of times. She was recently named one of the 50 wisest people in the UK. Rowe's work ranges wide, from responses to popular culture; to the question of visibility/ invisibility (esp for certain types of women); psychiatry and psychology; parenting; friendships (and the role of enemies); the meaning of money etc. Broadly, though, her work looks at perceptions of the self - and how this perception is then played out, and responded to institutionally (by medicine, society, psychiatry etc). Dorothy Rowe joined us to discuss her life,…
'Wisdom Interviews' interview with Peter Thompson
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:23
Program: The Wisdom Interviewswith Peter ThompsonSunday 25 July 2004Summer re-broadcastMonday 3 January 2005 Feature Interview with Dorothy Rowe: Summary: Psychologist and author Dorothy Rowe is known throughout the world as a leader in the study and treatment of depression. Her opinions about the proper place of drugs in the treatment of the illness have made her controversial in the medical field, but she was recently voted one of the 50 wisest people in the UK, by Saga Magazine. Click this link to visit the ABC Radio National web site for a complete transcript of the interview -an audio version is also available at the same address Australian Broadcasting Commission Click here to visit the ABC Radio National web sitethen use…
All in the Mind
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:21
11 February 2006 on ABC Radio National 7/04/2007 All In The Mind The prison of depression - a conversation with Dorothy Rowe Dorothy Rowe has always seen herself as an outsider, yet this psychologist and prolific author is considered one of the 50 wisest people in the UK and her many books continue to sell like hot cakes. Depression, she says, is an intolerable prison we build for ourselves, but we can escape by choosing to change the way we interpret our lives. Hear her controversial yet heartfelt views on the 'prison of depression' in this frank conversation with Lynne Malcolm. Transcript Lynne Malcolm: Hi there, Lynne Malcolm here with All in the Mind on ABC Radio National. Today an unorthodox yet rather…