Depression (2nd Edition, earlier version)
First published in 1983, when it won the MIND Book of the Year award, this best selling book has helped thousands of people to break free from the prison of depression with a clear, simple approach to a subject that is often clouded with jargon.
Dorothy Rowe uses humour and stories from real life to illustrate both what defines depression and how it can be defeated through a true understanding of its causes.Depression and its allied problems are seen as the root causes of rising suicide rates, marriage break-ups, family breakdowns, misuse of drugs and many of the psychological problems that beset the modern world.
"Depression: The way out of your prison" is a proven self help guide as well as an invaluable source book that enables professional helpers to enter the world of the depressed person. Its clear account of the feelings and though processes of those suffering from depression will enable them to lead more people out of their prisons for ever.
Preface to the new second edition
When in 1983 I was writing this book I never anticipated that it would still be being read a decade or more.
In that time my life has changed as did the National Health Service. The substance of the book remains as valid as ever but there are some things I now know are important but which are not in the first edition.
Many people have told me that they have been greaty helped by this book, but depression remains as common as ever becuase we fail to understand ourselves.
The cure for depression is wisdom, not pills.
Dorothy Rowe, London 1995
Additional Info
- Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul
- ISBN: 0-415-14482-5